Getting buried
Kyle and his sand crab
Boys and their sticks:)
Spencer just hangin' out on the beach
We took a day trip to the Oregon Coast with Holly and Chuck and their family. The boys had so much fun together playing in the water and building in the sand. Spencer even got buried all the way up to his neck! They all built sandcastles and ran from the waves. Owen was so tiny I wasn't able to put sunblock on him yet, so I made some shade for him with a chair, and some towels and blankets. He pretty much slept most of the time. The weather was great that day and I'm glad we were able to do this as a family.
That was so much fun! We need to do it again!!
Looks like a fun day at the coast and you were lucky to have good weather. Cute pictures of the boys!
Jealous! Wish we could have been there with you guys.
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