Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Spencer's Birthday Dinner and More...

Tyler had the day off on Spencer's birthday so we decided to take the boys to the Family Fun Center and then out to dinner. Tyler took each of the boys on the Go Carts while I watched. It was both of their first time and they had a blast. Neither of them were tall enough to drive but they loved riding along with Tyler.
I'm not sure who had more fun...the boys or Daddy;-)

Spencer picked Red Robin for dinner. We met the rest of the fam there and Spencer got a special "birthday treat" along with a birthday song from all the workers. As soon as they were done singing...he dove right in!

After dinner we all went over to the Fire Station to have ice-cream with Papa(he had to work that night). The boys love visiting Papa at the Fire Department and checking out all the trucks. They each got a Fireman hat too.
Here's lil' Owen...he's so cute!!


Dylan and Zackary
Kyle boy

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Two Months!!!!!!!!

Just saw this trailer last night for the first time...I'm already hooked!!! Is it November yet???!!!;-)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

9/15/05...Happy Birthday Kyle

On September 15th, 2005 Kyle joined our family. He was born that afternoon at 1:24p.m. weighing 8lb. 9oz. and was 20.5 inches long. Here's our first picture as a family of four!!

Kyle then...

...and "Kyle Boy" now!!

Kyle was a wonderful addition to our family. He is a fun loving little boy who loves life and has an enormous amount of energy!! I love his spunky personality and his ability to make any one smile:-).
Happy 4th Birthday Kyle...We love you!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

9/11/01...Happy Birthday Spencer

Eight years ago America was attacked by terrorists.

Heroes of 9/11


I remember this day each year as it marks a very important day in our history. My heart goes out to all the families that lost their loved ones during this devastating attack.
This day also marks a very important day in my life. On September 11th 2001, Tyler and I welcomed our first born child into our family. Spencer was born at 2:01 p.m. weighing 7lb. 12 oz. and was 20.5 in. long.
Here he is just minutes old...

...and here he is now!!!

Spencer, you bring so much joy into our lives and I'm so proud and lucky to be your mom. You are an amazing boy and a wonderful big brother. We love you and hope you have a great birthday.
Happy 8th Birthday Spence!!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

What!! Preschool already??

The first 2 pictures were actually the day before preschool started. We went to his Preschool open house to tour his classroom and meet his teachers. He couldn't wait to see everything.

Walking into the school building...I was hardly able to get pictures because he was practically running...way excited.

Hanging up his backpack in his cubby

Kyle sooooo ready for this!!

Originally I wasn't going to put Kyle in Preschool this year. Spencer only did one year and I figured I would do the same with Kyle but every child is different. Kyle has been needing to do something that's just for Kyle, and I decided to go a head and put him in. At the last minute(the end of August) the school called me with an opening and we took it. He goes twice a week and wishes he could go more but I think this will be just right for him. He even has 2 little familiar friends there!! On his first day he didn't have any problems with me leaving...I was a little nervous about that but he did great!! Just look at that face...I'm so excited for him:-)

Spencer's First Day of School

Second Grade...here we come!!

Just before entering his classroom

Putting away his P.E. shoes
It's hard to believe that Spencer's already in Second Grade. He was a little hesitant to go back but so far he's enjoying it. He has a great teacher and some familiar faces from first grade in his class. That always helps. He's quite a homebody (he gets that from me). I always had a hard
time being away from home as a kid too, so I make it a point to eat lunch at school with him at least once a week. He's a great kid and I think it's going to be a good year!!

Now You See It Now You Don't

Spencer lost his third tooth last week. It had been a loose for a while and I knew it was coming out very soon. So I took a couple pictures of him before it came out which happened to be the very next day. He was very excited and again, waited a couple days before leaving it under his pillow for the "Tooth Fairy". I was afraid for the awkward looking phase, but I think he looks pretty cute even with a little hole in his face:-)

Summer Fun

Spencer jumping off the diving board

Kyle posing as he jumps off the diving board

Zackary...sportin' his noodle

Jeremy...so cute plugging his nose

Kyle wrapped up in his towel with his arm floaties

Dylan...what a goof ball

Spencer...nice pose...flying??

Jeremy...what a nut

Owen in his swim shorts and rash guard...so cute!!

Millie in her sun hat and food all over her face:-)

Spencer going down the water slides

Kyle Boy...he was freezing!!

Kyle's last ride down the slides...he loved it!!!

My sister's and I took all our kids swimming almost every week this summer. We would go to my brother-in-law's mom's house. We'd take lunch and let the kids swim for hours. I even took Owen in a couple times. He actually didn't mind it too much. We also went to the Water Slides one more time before school started. They went down the slides first and then we took them to a park near by to play. It was a perfect way to end the summer. I'm going to miss our "lazy summer days".

Happy Baby Face

Is he getting CUTER??? I LOVE THIS BABY!!!

Matching Cousins

Sabreena and Owen

Aren't they cute???

I took this picture right as Sabreena sneezed...oops!

This one is classic...I love the fists in their mouth

I love the cheeks on this girl and Owen's round little face:)

Owen just chillin'


By this picture poor Sabreena was ALL DONE!!

Marcee got these outfits for the kids while we were both pregnant. I love them and we just had to get pictures of them together before they grow out of them. These two are 6 days apart and I have a feeling they're going to have lots of pictures together as they grow up. I love cousins!!