Monday, August 24, 2009

Sharing Time

I've got to say, after looking back on this past year it has really flown by. Kyle only has a few months left of being a Sunbeam:( He really had a hard time at the beginning of the year in Primary, but in the last month or so, he has adjusted really well. He loves singing and sharing time, his class and his teacher. This was a sharing time our Primary President did during July. She taught the kids about the Pioneers and what they did. They got to dress up a little and sit around a make believe fire pit. Kyle thought this was so cool and he was very interested...they all were. I snapped a quick picture of his little grin. I love this little monkey. I wish he would stay a cute little Sunbeam forever!!


Marcee said...

I wish he would keep his adorable little round face forever!! Cannot believe Landon will be a Sunbeam next year... too fast!!

Kristina said...

I read the Landon comment from Marcee and was like, I don't remember commenting on this...duh! I forgot your sister has a Landon as well. I love the age Kyle and Logan are at. If we lived near each other, they could be in the same sunbeam class!