Sunday, December 14, 2008

First Grade Potlatch

Spencer, Cole, Lily, Chloe and Mckenna.(The first four eat lunch together everyday...they're such good buddies).Spencer getting ready to load up his plate

Spencer and Jacob

Lily and Spencer(Lily's mom went to high school with me and is also pregnant! Her due date is 2 days after mine. We're so excited(so are Spencer and Lily).

What a cutie pie!

The week of Thanksgiving the three first grade classes held their annual Potlatch. Each first grade family is asked to bring in one item to contribute to the meal(cheese, fruit, veggies, etc.). November was Native American month. The classes learned all about the Native Americans and their cultures. Each child made a vest and headband to wear to the Potlatch. Earlier in the month they each picked out an Indian name for themselves. Spencer's name was "Squirming Cheetah". We thought this was fitting because he usually never sits still and he's also very quick. Spencer loved that I came to join him and his friends that day.

1 comment:

Colleen Stutz said...

Spencer is so cute in his indian outfit. What a great party for his teacher to do. The pictures are priceless.