Monday, December 22, 2008

Tyler's 30th Birthday

The Olive Garden servers singing to Tyler
Poor Robyn thought she was just going out to dinner to celebrate Tyler's birthday. Well her birthday was that night so she was also sung to. What a good sport.
Our dinner table

Tyler's birthday cake...obviously.

His boys love to help blow out the candles.

Tyler's birthday was December 7th. I know I'm late in posting this but...tis the season to procrastinate!! Anyway, I planned a surprise birthday dinner for Tyler at Olive Garden(our favorite restaurant). His parents and sister came down from Eugene to celebrate with us. Everyone met at our house to surprise Tyler then we all drove over to Medford to eat. There ended up being 22 of us!!! We had a full table. My mom watched our boys and everyone else came childless too(with the exeption of little Marlee). This ended up being a really fun date night!! Thanks to everyone who was able to make it. We hope we can do this again soon!!

Take a look at Tyler's first 30 years!!

All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth

Spencer came home from school a couple weeks ago and his loose tooth had come out at school. He was so had been loose for a few weeks. He was so attached to it that he didn't want to put it under his pillow. In fact it's still in the container he brought it home in!! He's so funny. Hopefully one of these days he'll be ready for the tooth fairy to make an exchange:-). He's very proud of his tooth...
He's also quite fond of his new space. Both of his bottom front teeth have started to grow in!!

Kyle wanted me to take his picture too

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree

We went out on December 1st for Family Night and picked out our tree. The boys were both so cute looking through all the different trees. They kept picking out trees that were like 12 feet tall. They loved how big they were. I think we ended up with a 7 foot tree that they were more than happy with. We decorated it a couple days later(usually we decorate it the night we get it, but we needed more lights because some of the strands from last year didn't work, and Tyler ended up going out of town the night after, so it was undecorated for a couple days). Now it looks great(when Kyle isn't rearranging the ornaments)!!!!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Little Punk

So I had my cousin and her kids over one day, and the two of us were working on something downstairs. Spencer and Berklee were playing so good together all day and Marlee was just kinda hanging out with Stephanie and I for the most part. We hadn't heard from Kyle and Mason in a while. Spencer came downstairs and I think his exact words were "Mommy, Kyle and Mason made a huge horrible mess in my closet"!! I finished what I was doing while Stephanie ran upstairs to check it out. Then I heard her yell down, "Um Heidi, I think our kids need to be beat"!! She chuckled a little while she said this so I didn't think it would be too bad. I WAS WRONG!! Absolutely everything (within their climbing reach) in Spencer's closet was off the shelves and on the floor. We're talking costumes, clean clothes (now mixed in with dirty clothes) games, name it, it was on the floor. I grabbed my camera trying to make this out to be as humorous as I could, and of course took a picture. Mason said they were just trying to reach a game on the top shelf. I responded "If you can't reach something, come let me know and I'll be happy to get it down for you boys". I made Kyle come out of the closet and literally had to SQUEEZE my way through the door(it would hardly open). Eventually I got the mess cleaned up and luckily nothing was broken(a few things smashed but not broken). What a couple of STINKERS!!!:)


Spencer enjoying his favorite part of the meal...GRAMMAS ROLLS!!! They're famous in this town:)

Spencer and Alyssa

Kyle enjoying his favorite part of dinner...also gramma'a rolls!! So yummy...she always makes a few batches so we have enough for a couple days:)

Thanksgiving morning is probably my favorite morning out of the whole year. It's so relaxing just to be home and not have to be in any hurry. I recorded the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade...Spencer loves watching it and we missed it last year(that did not go over well). Tyler spent the morning hanging Christmas lights on our house. He had a little help from the boys, but they mostly just rode their bikes around and played outside. It took him a couple hours to get the house done and it looks great! That afternoon, we had Thanksgiving Dinner at my cousin's house. There was so much yummy food, but just like always I filled my plate and was only able to eat about half. I do that every year. Spencer and Kyle spent the day playing with their cousins and everyone got along pretty good.
I am so thankful for my family and that we got to spend this day together. We hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!

First Grade Potlatch

Spencer, Cole, Lily, Chloe and Mckenna.(The first four eat lunch together everyday...they're such good buddies).Spencer getting ready to load up his plate

Spencer and Jacob

Lily and Spencer(Lily's mom went to high school with me and is also pregnant! Her due date is 2 days after mine. We're so excited(so are Spencer and Lily).

What a cutie pie!

The week of Thanksgiving the three first grade classes held their annual Potlatch. Each first grade family is asked to bring in one item to contribute to the meal(cheese, fruit, veggies, etc.). November was Native American month. The classes learned all about the Native Americans and their cultures. Each child made a vest and headband to wear to the Potlatch. Earlier in the month they each picked out an Indian name for themselves. Spencer's name was "Squirming Cheetah". We thought this was fitting because he usually never sits still and he's also very quick. Spencer loved that I came to join him and his friends that day.