Thursday, September 10, 2009

Summer Fun

Spencer jumping off the diving board

Kyle posing as he jumps off the diving board

Zackary...sportin' his noodle cute plugging his nose

Kyle wrapped up in his towel with his arm floaties

Dylan...what a goof ball

Spencer...nice pose...flying??

Jeremy...what a nut

Owen in his swim shorts and rash cute!!

Millie in her sun hat and food all over her face:-)

Spencer going down the water slides

Kyle Boy...he was freezing!!

Kyle's last ride down the slides...he loved it!!!

My sister's and I took all our kids swimming almost every week this summer. We would go to my brother-in-law's mom's house. We'd take lunch and let the kids swim for hours. I even took Owen in a couple times. He actually didn't mind it too much. We also went to the Water Slides one more time before school started. They went down the slides first and then we took them to a park near by to play. It was a perfect way to end the summer. I'm going to miss our "lazy summer days".

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