Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Swimming Day...Close Call!

What a couple of cute little "fish"

One of Kyle's first jumps off the diving board. We were cracking up and couldn't believe how brave he was.

I love when these two get along and help each other.

Holly, my mom and I took 7 of the 8 boys swimming a little over a week ago at Holly's mother-in-laws' house. Holly was watching 3 other kids that day, and I took 3 of my little cousins out with us as well. They absolutely love swimming over there and Kyle has recently discovered that he loves jumping off the diving board(with his little arm floaties of course). We had been out there for a couple hours and had already eaten lunch when we decided it was time to go. Kyle came and told me he was all done and that he was hungry. I took off his arm floaties and sat him down in a chair behind me with a drink and some food. As Holly and I were packing up the food and all the kids(my mom had just left with Marcee's 3 older boys) Kyle had some how slipped by us and had jumped back in the pool(this time without his floaties). Alyssa was standing next to me and all of a sudden screamed "Kyle's drowning"!!! Holly whipped around, ran to the pool, and jumped in.(Keep in mind she and I hadn't planned on swimming that day). I for some reason froze just staring at him in disbelief. It was so scary to see my 2 year old failing to tread water. She got him out, and after a little bit of pukage, he was ok. A little scared, but ok. I don't know how long he was in there and I don't like to think about it. It couldn't have been more than a minute know....I don't like to think about that either. Bottom line...WATCH YOUR KIDS CLOSELY!!! This could have been a very sad ending for my little guy and I can't imagine my life without him. Thank you Holly and Alyssa for saving my cute little "Kyle Boy".

A face worth saving? ABSOLUTELY!!!


Kristina said...

The boys are so cute. I'm so glad that they're okay. How scary!!!

Marcee said...

Kyle is so funny... and seriously, that kid has no fear.

Chuck and Holly said...

I love that kid, and he'd better never do anything stupid like that again!!!!