Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Kyle just loves to vacuum. Every time he sees me going to get the vacuum out he starts yelling, "I want to vacuum I want to vacuum" in his little stressed out squeaky voice. He's such a cute little helper when he wants to be. I wonder how long it will actually last.

1 comment:

Holly Hopkins said...

Your boys are so cute. I can't believe how big Spencer is though. I've never seen a blog before but there pretty cool. When you update it does it send me an email to tell me? I'm not so good with computers so this might take me a little bit. Anyways it was great to see you last week. It reminded me of how much fun we had in high school together. We definitely had some good times. How is your hair by the way? I hope you guys have a good trip in Utah and maybe we can get together when you get back. I would love to see the new home. Talk to you soon-Holly